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Newer release alerts#

This middleware will check a url for the latest version of your app and alert the user if a new release is found.

It was created as proof-of-concept of the middleware architecture.

By default, a web request will occure every time a command is run. It is recommended to use skipCommand delegate to optimize this. For example

  • to have this run for specific commands: cmd.Name == "check-for-updates"
  • when the --version option is specified: cmd.HasInputValues(Resources.A.Command_version)
  • to cache the result locally with a TTL


use appRunner.UseNewerReleaseAlertOnGitHub(organizationName, repositoryName, ...) if your app is published as a GitHub release.

This will get the version from the latest release.


This is not suitable for a mono-repo where multiple products may be released.


  • getVersionFromReleaseName: use if your release names do not follow a standard v1.0.0-prefix
  • overrideHttpRequestCallback: append headers, auth info, etc
  • skipCommand: do not run for commands that pipe output or skip if the command is not the root command.


use appRunner.UseNewerReleaseAlert(...) to check any url. UseNewerReleaseAlertOnGitHub wraps this method and you can use it as an example.


  • latestReleaseUrl: the url for metadata about the latest release
  • parseSemanticVersionFromResponseBodyCallback: callback to get the semantic version for response from the latestReleaseUrl
  • postfixAlertMessageCallback: the results of this callback will be post-fixed to the alert message. e.g. download link.
  • overrideHttpRequestCallback: append headers, auth info, etc
  • skipCommand: do not run for commands that pipe output or skip if the command is not the root command.
dotnet add package CommandDotNet.NewerReleasesAlerts
Install-Package CommandDotNet.NewerReleasesAlerts

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