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Developing Middleware#

Here are some of the tips we've picked up while developing middleware and other extensibility components for CommandDotNet.

Diagnostics tools are your friend#

Take advantage the debug, parse & command logger features.


The test tools were developed specifically to make it easier to test middleware. Checkout testing middleware for some tips.

Descriptive method names#

When registering a middlware delegate via .UseMiddleware(delegate, step), use a method instead of a delegate and give the method an informative name so it's clear when it shows up in an exception stacktrace or command logger output


Specifying middleware order#

Registration is broken into separate stages as described here.

You can register middleware using appRunner.Configure(c => c.UseMiddleware(MyMethod, MiddlewareStages.PreTokenize)). Middleware will be added in the order you provide for each stage.

appRunner.Configure(c => 
        .UseMiddleware(MiddlwareA, MiddlewareStages.PreTokenize)
        .UseMiddleware(MiddlwareB, MiddlewareStages.PostParseInputPreBindValues)
        .UseMiddleware(MiddlwareC, MiddlewareStages.PreTokenize)

In this example, MiddlewareC will run immediately after MiddlewareA in the PreTokenize stage and MiddlewareB will run afterwards in the PostParseInputPreBindValues stage.

Specifying order relative to a framework middleware#

If you need to ensure your middleware needs to run immediately before or after a framework middleware, you can use the static class MiddlewareSteps to get the order for the given middleware.

For example, if you need middleware to run before MiddlewareSteps.DebugDirective...

appRunner.Configure(c => 
        .UseMiddleware(MiddlwareA, MiddlewareSteps.DebugDirective - 1)

These values of the order can change between releases always use the MiddlwareSteps value.

The steps are generally separated by at least a value of 1000 and relative to zero, short.Min or short.Max.

Middleware Config#

It's convenient to use a delegate for middleware when you have additional parameters to pass in. The pattern we've adopted in CommandDotNet uses a private Config class to keep the parameters.

public static FluentValidationMiddleware
    public static AppRunner UseFluentValidation(this AppRunner appRunner, bool showHelpOnError = false)
        return appRunner.Configure(c =>
            c.UseMiddleware(ValidateModels, MiddlewareSteps.FluentValidation);
            c.Services.Add(new Config(showHelpOnError));

    private class Config
        public bool ShowHelpOnError { get; }
        public Config(bool showHelpOnError) => 
            ShowHelpOnError = showHelpOnError;

    private static Task<int> ValidateModels(CommandContext ctx, ExecutionDelegate next)
        var showHelpOnError = ctx.AppConfig.Services.GetOrThrow<Config>().ShowHelpOnError;

This example is from our FluentValidation middleware. Notice UseMiddleware is called before adding the config. This is intentional because the UseMiddleware method will throws an informative error message when a middleware is registered multiple times. Adding a duplicate service throws duplicate key exception and is less actionable.

UseTokenTransformation and UseParameterResolver also throw informative error messages so use one of those three methods first to take advantage of the duplicate registration checks.

Registering middleware multiple times#

By default, an exception will be thrown if a middleware delegate is registered more than once. Override this with the option allowMultipleRegistrations parameter in the UseMiddleware registration method. UseMiddleware(MyMethod, step, allowMultipleRegistrations: true)

Error messages#

When possible, middleware should handle it's own errors, printing a message to the console and returning an exit code.

If help should be shown, set commandContext.ShowHelpOnExit=true.

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