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Response Files#

Response files are text files containing arguments that can be replaced by their contents in the command line. Micrsoft uses them in several applications including msbuild and the MIDL compiler.

TLDR, How to enable#

Enable the feature with appRunner.UseResponseFiles() or appRunner.UseDefaultMiddleware().


public void Interceptor(InterceptorExecutionDelegate next, string user, string pwd, string url)
    _client.Connect(user, pwd, url);
    return next();

public void Find(string filter, IConsole console)
    _client.Find(filter).ForEach(i => console.Out.WriteLine(i.Id));

public void Migrate(List<string> ids)

This app has 2 commands that would be called like this:

  • Find: --user bob --pwd shhh -url Find isNew
  • Migrate: --user bob --pwd shhh -url Migrate 12 3 44

The credentials could be stored in a file: creds/bobs-creds.rsp

# bob's dev creds
--user bob --pwd shhhh

Then the call to Find could be @creds/bobs-creds.rsp Find isNew.

The expand-response-files token transformation will replace @creds/bobs-creds.rsp with --user bob --pwd shhhh --url


  • The file path must be prefixed with @
  • Empty lines and lines starting with # are skipped
  • Each line is run through a CommandLineStringSplitter to split arguments while honoring quoted strings
  • Multiple arguments can be specified on a single line
  • Arguments can be specified on multiple lines.
  • Files can have any extension as long as the contents are text.

Escaping the @#

For cases where an option or operand require a value that begins with @.

Options: Use = or : for the value assignment. --who:@me.

Operands: Use the argument separator. Any argument after the separator will not be evaluated as a response file.


There are a number of ways to use response files to improve usability and testiblity of your app.

Inter-command communication#

Similar to piped arguments, a command can write arguments to a response file and that response file can be used by other commands. This can be used to "pipe" options to other commands.

Fail File#

An application can store ids of failed items in failed.txt file that can be used to rerun just the failed items. For example:

public void Migrate([Option] string failFilePath, List<string> ids)
        ids = _repo.GetAllIds();
    foreach(var id in ids)
        catch(Exception ex)
            if(failFilePath != null)
                File.AppendAllText(failFilePath, id + Environment.NewLine);

First run: Migrate --failFilePath failed1.txt to migrate all items and capture failed ids to failed1.txt

Trouble shoot errors and deploy code with bug fixes.

Second run: Migrate --failFilePath failed2.txt @failed1.txt to migrate all items in failed1.txt and capture failed ids to failed2.txt

Rinse and repeat.

Resume Session#

A command that enumerates items can maintain a session file with arguments that allow resuming the proceess if cancelled or crashed.

For example:

public void Migrate([Option] string session, List<string> ids)
        ids = _repo.GetAllIds();
    foreach(var id in ids.ToList())
        File.WriteAll($"{session}.rsp", $"session={session} ids={string.join(',', ids)}");

Run: Migrate --session mysession to capture session data to mysession.rsp

migrate.exe @mysession.rsp to resume the operation. Since the session option is maintained, the session file will continue to update.

Pinning commands#

When commands (or options) are often repeated with the same values.

Migrations --env test --username lala migrate-orders --customer acme ...

Compose fine-grained response files allowing to mix and match options

  • @test.rsp > --env test --username lala
  • @migrate-acme.rsp > migrate-orders --customer acme

Migrations @test.rsp @migrate-acme-orders.rsp ...

This is an alternative to shell scripts, enabling mix & match for commonly used options.

This is also useful for test scripts.


Response files can be used like configuration files. You can store them for different testing configurations and share them with your team. This can be more efficient than creating batch scripts because you can change some options or in some cases, reuse the same response file across different commands.

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